Thursday, August 19, 2010

The One Where I Write This Sitting In The Kitchen Sink.

Dear Lover,

I once stubbed my toe on a pile of I Capture the Castle books.
By Dodie Smith.
I was in one of the coolest bookstore I'd ever seen.
Didn't have a inkling of what sort of book I wanted to buy that day.
Had changed into flip flops at the last moment as I headed out the door.

I felt this must be fate.

Have you ever read the book?
I found my copy at Tattered Cover Bookstore.
In Denver, Colorado.
You see.
When I travel somewhere new.
I like to search out an independent bookstore.
Find a book.
And write.
Inside of the the cover.
The date and location.

It's better than shot glasses.  Miniature silver spoons.  And even postcards.

Well, on that day.
While browsing through Tattered Cover, I saw a stairwell.
So I climbed.
And what lined the steps and railing of the stairwell?
Piles of books.
And what pile of books did I happen to stump my toe into?
Causing the topmost book to slide off and onto my foot?
I Capture the Castle.
I think so.
The book quickly became a favorite.
Soon, I discovered the film based on the book.
Which quickly became another favorite.
Like tonight.
I must stop the movie at 1 hour and 13 minutes.
It's the look on the character Stephen's face that does it to me.

Makes me long for you.


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